Friday, February 12, 2010

The Goats Evolve

He found them together, as he’d known he would. Could they ever have existed alone?

Dan and Sam lay tangled in each other’s arms, sleeping. Zem had no idea whose bed this was, whether one’s or the other’s while the wife in question was away, or perhaps this whole house was their secret hideaway, a place they’d bought together to indulge their little whims. He didn’t care. It made things easier, to find them here. He wouldn’t have to search twice. Besides, he couldn’t conceive of speaking to either one without the other.

He looked down at them almost fondly. Useful little goats. Then he stirred the air, and took on physicality as the tiny tornado he’d inspired ran around the room, knocked cell phones and cologne bottles and alarm clocks to the floor, and woke Dan and Sam quite efficiently.

“Wha– hey! What are you–”

“Sh,” Zem cautioned. His teeth gleamed in the dark. “I’ve come to get you. I have a little job.” He winked.

If the Ruler of Olympus ever winked, history must have been too appalled to record the incident. Even now, it looked askance. But Zem winked, nonetheless, and the Boy Scout/goats got the full brunt of it.

“Wha–” the other one began. Sam, the blond. He was always the slower of the two.

“Sh!” Zem repeated, and this time the sound was sharper. But then he smiled again. “Come along,” he invited. He crooked a finger.

More very un-god-like behavior. Even Dan and Sam seemed to recognize it, and to feel alarmed. They got out of bed, hesitantly, exposed in gleaming designer underwear.

“Very nice,” Zem commented. “Come, boys,” he said. “We have places to go.” He grinned. “People to pick up.”

“Wait–” Dan objected. But Zem turned...

And took them along as, once again, he went.